
GVF-CERT-SPA_21: Advanced Satcom Professional Certification/Recert Exam

Course details

  • Certification and recertification exam for GVF Advanced Satcom Professional Certification.


Final exam for GVF Advanced Satcom Professional Certification. Also serves as the recertification exam.

To open this exam, you must have completed course GVF 510 Ed. 2, GVF 520, and GVF 521, and and the Basic Hands On Skills Test (HOST-B).

If your certification has expired, take this exam to recertify, which will extend your certification for three years.

GVF Training Member? Email gvfsupport@satprof.com to request free enrollment in this exam.

Not a GVF Training Member? Purchase this exam and email support to request one-time 30-day extension of 510 ed2, 520, and 521, if previously enrolled.

For more info, please see the FAQ page.


8 lessons
  1. Exam introduction
  2. Quizzes from GVF 510 ed 2. Sample questions from all lessons.
  3. Quizzes from GVF 520. Sample questions from all lessons.
  4. Quizzes from GVF 521. Sample questions from all lessons.
  5. Equipment configuration skills tests. Block diagram skills test. Frequency setting (L-band IF). Frequency setting (70 MHz IF)
  6. Site preparation skills tests. Connector Termination Skills Test. Using the line of sight simulator. Line of sight skills test.
  7. Pointing skills tests. Pre-set pol with inclinometer. Test: az-el pointing start-to-finish.
  8. Cross-pol skills tests. Uplink frequency calculations skills test. Skills test: Adjust cross-pol with SAC.


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